2023 is the year of the Rabbit. Which is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity - and to enjoy a long, peaceful, and prosperous life, putting your mental health first is crucial.
And what better self-care than investing in a hot tub, here’s a list of ways we believe you can take some time in the tub…
Practise meditating and listing your gratitude’s within the warmth of the tub, think about what you’re grateful for each day and breathe in and out with the water’s movement.
Take time for reflection. Whether thinking about your day, week, goals, or the last TV showed you watched, enjoy the quiet opportunity to really reflect and review.
Digital detox. Enjoy the little time you have away from your phone and other technology, this will enable you to really disconnect from the business of your everyday life!
Enjoy an at home spa day! Chuck on a face mask, grab some bubbles and really pamper yourself – because you’re worth it!
If you’re not sure if the mindfulness life is for you, have a look at our next blog for more reasons a hot tub might change your life in 2023!